Jansath Road, Muzaffarnagar (U. P.)

A Unit of Sanatan Dharam College Association

Approved by AICTE & Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, U. P. (AKTU College Code -083)

Department >> Information Technology

Information Technology


Established in 2000, the Department of Information Technology, a pioneer department is conveying technical Education of high quality to the undergraduate aspirant of the country. It has been attracting bright students for quality education in Information Technology. Each faculty member is a distinguished and venerable in his/her field dedicated to work in a result-oriented manner. All the versatile faculty members of the department have commendable and exemplary academic credentials, ample teaching and research experience at senior levels in leading institutions of International repute. Information Technology Department producing eminent engineers for different platform of Information Technology as per MNC requirements.

Department has excellent facilities and faculty members who have been always a great strength and backbone right from the beginning. Every year department is achieving new goals. Information Technology Faculty at SDCET having a broad range of educational backgrounds, scholarly interests and expertise in their research areas thereby provide professional practice and research into the classroom. Faculty members also serving on the editorial boards/ Reviewer of many prestigious journals. All labs are equipped with latest equipment’s, software and high-speed internet facility round the clock. In Information Technology department computers are loaded with necessary software for the students to practice and improve their technical skills, which will make them ready for facing the placement activities. A dedicated Internet Lab is also provided with 10 Mbps leased line connectivity for student internet usage. The students can use this lab from 8:30 AM to 5 PM.

Why choose us

1. IT Specialists are required in almost all range of employment fields such as finance, arts, medicine, defence, and other areas.
2. This program teaches you about software development, information security, maintaining and managing networks, and software engineering.These professionals can get jobs in many public sector firms. Some of the leading public sector firms are BSNL, ISRO, CDIT, CDAC, etc.
3. Many opportunities are available in various IT firms all over India. Some of the leading IT Companies are Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Accenture, HCL Infotech, IBM, etc.
4. The department has adequate & well-equipped laboratories as per requirement (strength of students in the department and number of labs / practical courses mentioned in syllabus scheme of university (AKTU, Lucknow)

Our Vision

The department of Information Technology visualizes to create technically and skilled intellectual IT professional for the modern computing industry.

Our Mission

M1-To provide technical solutions in the field of Information Technology.

M2-Enhance the quality of leadership and skills by quality training in the field of Information Technology.

PEOs, POs and PSOs

PEO1 : Graduate will be able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to identify and solve IT and engineering problems.

PEO2 : Graduate will be able to use various software tools and technologies to solve problems related to academia, industry and society.

PEO3 : Graduates will be a valuable asset for society by exhibiting their professional engineering quality with moral values and ethics.

Engineering Graduates will be able to

PO1 : Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problem.

PO2 : Problem Analysis: Explore IT specific literature and analyse complex engineering problems using foundational knowledge on mathematics, natural sciences and engineering science.

PO3 : Design/Development of Solutions: Design and implement IT solutions to meet the desired needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4 : Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems:Analyze, interpret and integrate data to provide valid conclusion for complex engineering problems.

PO5 : Modern Tool Usage: Use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools necessary for complex engineering practice.

PO6 : The Engineer and Society: Apply contextual knowledge to assess societal health, safety, legal and cultural issues relevant to IT profession.

PO7 : Environment and Sustainability: Integrate computer-based solutions in environmental contexts, demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8 : Ethics: Demonstrate the knowledge of professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9 : Individual and Team Work: Perform effectively as an individual and as a member or a leader in a multi-disciplinary team to accomplish a goal.

PO10 : Communication: Connect a range of audience with an effective oral and written communication.

PO11 : Project Management and Finance: Having a good cognitive load management skill related to project management and finance.

PO12 : Life-long Learning: Having interest and recognise the need for independent and lifelong learning.

Engineering Graduates will be able to

PSO1 : Understand and justify the adaptation of appropriate emerging technologies by imbibing contemporary core IT competencies.

PSO2 : Analyze complex real-world problems through agile techniques for socially acceptable design and develop solutions

PSO3 : Be competitively employable or be an IT entrepreneur to face local and global challenges through professionalism.

